Why Dogs Need A Leader

Posted on by Lucy Parkes in Uncategorized

Why Dogs Need a Leader – Parent, Provider, and Protector 

Similar to their wild ancestors, dogs flourish in environments that provide structure and clearly defined roles within their social group. In a domestic context, this necessitates the human family assuming the role of leader, encompassing responsibilities as parent, provider, and protector. This leadership role is essential for ensuring a dog’s well-being, behaviour, and overall happiness. This article will examine the importance of adopting the parent, provider, and protector framework for the benefit of our canine companions.


Dogs are pack animals by nature, and in a pack, there are leaders. The leaders provide direction, establish rules, and maintain peace. Without a clear leader, a dog can become anxious, confused, and may develop behavioural problems. As the leader, an owner must be calm, consistent and in control. This doesn’t mean being harsh or punitive; rather, it involves gently enforcing boundaries and providing guidance.

The Importance of Leadership

  • Security: An effective leader instils a sense of security in a dog. When the dog understands that someone else is in charge, it can relax and refrain from feeling the need to take control.
  • Behaviour: Dogs with a clear leader are less likely to develop behavioural problems such as reactivity, aggression, separation anxiety, or excessive barking. They are also more likely to walk calmly beside their owner when asked and return promptly when called.
  • Instruction: Successful instruction is achieved when the dog recognises and respects the leader. Consequently, directions and guidance are more likely to be followed.


The role of a parent goes beyond providing basic needs; it encompasses nurturing, teaching, and guiding the dog through various stages of life. Like a human child, a dog depends on its parent for emotional support and learning appropriate social behaviours.

The Nurturing Aspect

  • Bonding: Being a nurturing parent strengthens the bond between the dog and the owner. This bond is crucial for mutual trust and affection.
  • Socialisation: An attentive parent understands their unique dog’s tolerance for stress and ensures that their dog is exposed to the appropriate level of stimulus and social experiences, according to their age, breed and mental/physical/emotional capabilities.
  • Emotional Support: Dogs experience emotions similar to humans. A caring parent provides comfort and support in the right way, during times of stress, fear, or uncertainty.


Providing for a dog goes beyond just food and water; it includes ensuring that all physical, mental, and emotional needs are met. A well-provided dog is a healthy and happy dog.

Comprehensive Care

  • Nutrition: Providing a balanced, minimally processed diet, tailored to the dog’s age, size, and health needs is fundamental for their well-being.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a dog’s mental and physical health and preventing obesity and related diseases.
  • Engagement: Calm and positive interaction with your dog ensures they feel valued and secure in your family unit.
  • Healthcare: Understanding your dog’s nutritional requirements, minimising exposure to chemicals and toxins, and managing their exposure to potentially overwhelming situations can contribute to a healthy, happy, and longer life for your dog.


While dogs are known to protect their owners instinctively, they also require protection. This role involves ensuring the dog’s safety and well-being in various situations.

Ensuring Safety

  • Physical Safety: Protecting the dog from physical harm, whether it’s from other animals, vehicles, or hazardous environments, is paramount.
  • Emotional Safety: Creating a safe and stable home environment where the dog feels secure and not exposed to constant stress or fear.
  • Advocacy: Being the dog’s advocate in situations where they cannot speak for themselves, such as during veterinary visits or interactions with other people and animals.


Some individuals aim to discredit the Pack Leader Theory, but it is important to recognise that an animal reliant on a human for survival requires specific behaviours from their caregiver, which align with the leadership role. Being an effective leader for your dog is beneficial for their well-being. It is important to approach this leadership with kindness, efficacy, and compassion, much like how good parenting provides guidance and boundaries for a child’s safety. Unlike children, who may eventually become independent and take on leadership roles, domestic dogs will depend on their human caregivers throughout their entire lives.

Pack theory has been criticised due to its misinterpretation and misuse by certain trainers and behaviourists. Leadership should not involve domineering actions or punitive measures. Rather, it should be based on trust, respect, and mutual benefit. A leader is someone who understands what actions to take in various situations. They are knowledgeable and make decisions that help ensure the safety of the group. A leader must earn the trust and respect of those they lead by consistently demonstrating their suitability for the role. An effective leader considers the well-being of the group and may prioritize the group’s needs over their own.

Jan Fennell’s approach is a holistic method based on understanding the dynamics of animals living in groups. By observing wolf packs and other group-living animals, including humans, it becomes evident that effective leadership is essential for the survival of the pack. In these groups, each member has a role, but leaders typically make critical decisions due to their greater experience. For example, in a human family, it is generally the adults who make important decisions rather than the children.

Twenty years ago, upon receiving Jan’s book, I was delighted to learn about an approach to living with dogs that emphasises kindness and understanding rather than authoritarian methods or reliance on excessive training. The way we interact with our dogs on a daily basis significantly influences their development. Our actions and responses to their needs and requirements shape their behaviour as they mature, driven by the principles of survival.

Fulfilling the roles of leader – parent, provider, and protector – is important for the well-being of a dog. Each element contributes to a balanced relationship between the dog and its owner. When these roles are effectively fulfilled, dogs tend to be more cooperative and well-adjusted. The time and effort invested in these roles are returned with loyalty and companionship from happy, healthy dogs.

Dog Trainer Norfolk – Self-Control, the very best kind!

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training

Dog Trainer Norfolk

Self-Control, the very best kind!

Encouraging a dog to develop self-control boosts his confidence in a really positive way. On the whole, living in our world with us, our dog’s need to follow our lead and defer to our decisions about things. However, by developing self-control in key areas of their lives with us, they can feel a level of autonomy that is rewarding for both us and them.


Encouraging Self-Control – the very best kind! – Dog Trainer Norfolk

Developing self-control means that we encourage our dogs to work things out for themselves – with a little help and guidance from us 

If we consistently ‘tell’ our dogs what to do – “in your bed” “be quiet” “get down” “wait!” “heel” – they are less likely to develop self-control, which is of course, the very best kind!

Encouraging a dog to think for herself, and therefore cooperate, is at the heart of the work I do with people and dogs. We are all much more willing to cooperate when we are given a good reason to do so and are then able make the decision to cooperate, for ourselves.

Understanding, communication and cooperation pave the way to happy dogs and happy families.

Dogs and Fireworks!!! – Dog Trainer Norfolk

Posted on by Lucy Parkes in Dog Training, Dog's Health

Dogs and Fireworks!!!  – Dog Trainer Norfolk

I used to enjoy fireworks but as I’ve come to understand how much distress – terror – they can cause for so many dogs and other animals, my perspective has changed. A big part of the problem is that fireworks are no longer limited to one or two nights of the year. All over the country they can be heard for weeks on end, causing real suffering to dogs and their owners, many of whom are resorting to medication to get their pets through this difficult time!

There are things that you can do right now to help your dog through fireworks. But it’s not just about what you do during fireworks night, or should I say month! It’s actually more about ‘what you do and how you do it’ for the other 11 months of the year. If you’d like to help your dog to stop feeling terrified, to relax and begin to feel safe during the fireworks season, it really does help if you’ve been consistently communicating to him that you’re in charge, in control and that ‘all is well’ in your day to day lives together.

Is your dog in control of you, visitors and other important areas of his life? Does he let you know when key things should be happening? Does he seek to get your attention on his terms? Good or bad! Perhaps your dog barks at you to get you to do things – feed me, play with me, let me out – let me in, take me for a walk, stroke me. Does he decide what and when he’ll eat? Dogs who control food in any way, shape or form control an important resource. Does he initiate and control play and/or let you know when the walk should be happening?

Maybe your dog becomes very heightened (we tend to call it excited) and difficult to manage from the moment that you pick up the lead? Many resist having their harnesses put on and will mouth and grab at the lead – a direct bid for control. Who goes first as you head out into the wider – more challenging – world? Who’s up front, meeting that world first and deciding what to do in regard to other dogs and people? Who makes the decisions that keep the pack safe out there? Many dogs absolutely believe that it’s their role to patrol and scent mark the territory and to checkout and assess EVERYONE that they meet out there.
Can you call him back once he’s set off to do so?

To top it all off, most dogs are doing all of this whilst ALSO trying to keep an eye on you too!!!

As you can see, it’s very easy for your dog to come to the conclusion that he’s in charge, in control and therefore responsible for making the decisions! It’s no wonder then, that they become increasingly more stressed, overwhelmed and potentially terrified when there’s a perceived danger that they cannot understand – fireworks – close to them, you and their home.

And CRUCIALLY, if your dog believes that he knows best because he’s in control and making the decisions, particularly out in the wider-world, then it’s unlikely that you will be able guide and shape his behaviour, especially at stressful times. You just don’t have the authority and influence to do so unless you are seen as the leader (parent, provider, protector).

So, how do you take back control in a way that makes sense to your dog? How do you reassure him that all is well, whatever’s going on around him and that he can truly trust you to keep him safe?

By calmly and consistently taking control of ALL of the important areas in your dog’s life you help him to understand that you are in charge, in control and that this is a good thing. You can do a much better job of taking care of things than him. In the process you will sooth and support your dog’s overwhelmed nervous system, bringing his stress levels down and reducing his sensitivity and therefore reactivity to all worrying stimulus.

The key to success is to truly understand the world from your unique dog’s perspective and to take control kindly, calmly and consistently. All importantly, to think in terms of resourcing, soothing and nurturing your dog’s nervous system so that he really relaxes and becomes less sensitive and reactive, in general. Then, when faced with any kind of perceived threat you will be able to guide and influence his response and behaviour from a place of authority and in a positive and respectful manner.

To find out more please have a look at The Dog Listener books, DVDs and CDs by Jan Fennell. I can’t recommend them enough!
You can also call me on – 07951 328163 or private message me here, to discuss how I can help you to help your dog.

And finally, some guidance for now but please remember if you really want things to change you need to address the BIG picture! For most dogs with extreme anxiety the advice below needs to be rooted in the foundations of great leadership.

In general, at fireworks time of year –
Think in terms of ‘less is more’. Keep your dog’s world small, safe and predictable. Keep walks early in the day and on the shorter side and stick to well known, familiar places/routes. This is not the time for big new walks in new terrain.

Avoid nonessential trips out anywhere, including the vets.
Keep your house as quiet as possible. Visitors to a minimum and be home with your dog as much of the time as is possible. Listen to calming music and do anything that helps YOU to really relax as this will help your dog too. Our dogs are unbelievably tuned into us and if they regularly detect stress/anxiety/fear in us, it can trigger the same in them. Emanating ‘all is well’ as often as possible, really is the key to success. There are some really good strategies for self-soothing – breathing techniques, meditation, mindfulness and other useful tools. Whatever lowers your stress levels in a positive way, will help your dog as well. Lead by example!

During fireworks –
Be prepared. Set yourself up in the quietest room in your house, or perhaps in the room that your dog prefers to be in. Close the curtains and settle down with a good book (The Dog Listener  ) or alternative entertainment, but remember the aim is to emanate all is well so perhaps avoid the news, soap operas or Halloween the movie!
Background music/TV can also, to some extent, help to cover up the noise of the fireworks, although it rarely makes a huge difference.

If your dog wants to be next you at this time, that’s fine, but keep him below you rather than on top of you and don’t fuss and cuddle him as this feeds into the idea that the fireworks are a problem. Without using direct eye contact, quietly reassure your dog in a warm and soothing tone of voice. Say “Gooood dog, that’s a gooood boy/girl, all is well” All those ‘ooooos’ long, warm, low tones activate the parasympathetic branch of your dog’s autonomic nervous system helping him to relax and feel safe.

IMPORTANT: Please do not use direct eye contact with your dog at this time. Reserve it for the times when your dog is feeling calm and relaxed and there’s nothing stressful going on around him/you. In general, direct eye contact – attention – should be given on your terms, not your dogs. Wait until he’s calm and settled and then invite him over.

If your dog has a tendency to get into an excessively heightened state when he’s frightened, you may want to put him on the lead and gently guide him to be with you. Again, without focusing directly on him, take control, sit and sooth verbally, don’t fuss and NO direct eye contact. If bringing the lead out sends your dog into a frenzy, use something else, something that he doesn’t associate with heading out into the wider-world. You can do some work to desensitise the lead at a later date. Be very gentle with the lead. Using force or even tension in the lead will cause the dog to become increasingly more stressed. If your dog is pulling give and take with the lead – pressure/release.

If your dog wants to hide himself away allow him to do so and just sooth verbally, as above, in proximity to him.
Even if your dog is shaking, panting, pacing and looking truly terrified resist the urge to fuss and cuddle him, don’t stare at him and avoid direct eye contact for now. Keep calm yourself, emanate all is well – remember you lead by example. Use a warm, soothing tone of voice to reassure him as you calmly and quietly sit with him and if he’s literally climbing the walls, pop a lead on him and gently guide him to be with you.

For best results implement Jan Fennell’s approach – a way of living with your dog that calmly and consistently communicates that you’re in charge and will take care of everything. Alone, the above guidelines will not be as effective, they are part of a holistic process.They will however, allow you to begin the process of taking control and soothing your dog in relation to the perceived danger of fireworks. If you do decide now that you would like to embrace this approach further, by this time next year you will be in a much better position to guide and influence your dog’s behaviour in this and all the other important areas of his life.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss options on how to proceed.

Lucy Parkes

Jan Fennell Affiliated
Highly Recommended Dog Listener
[email protected]
07951 328163
01603 881626

Please be advised that due to the unpredictable nature of dogs and people it is very difficult to give general advice for significant behavioural issues. Please proceed with caution whenever working with stressed dogs and if you are at all unsure about what you are doing or how your dog may respond, please contact a professional Dog Listener before continuing. I cannot take any responsibility for any undesirable outcomes resulting from mismanagement, or actions taken without the necessary guidance and support. Thank you.

Dogs frightened fireworks Norwich,Norfolk

So many dogs are frightened – terrified – by fireworks. Helping them to feel safe with you, is the key to success.

Fear of other dogs! . . . dog training norwich

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training

Fear of other dogs . . . dog training norwich

Lots of dogs have a fear of other dogs, it’s a very common problem! Some dogs dislike big dogs, some will target small dogs. I met one dog who specifically didn’t like black Labradors . . . and some dogs just don’t like any other dogs!

Fear of other dogs - dog training norwich

When Monty first arrived, the other dogs were a little uncertain of him! Careful management allowed them all to get used to each other, without anyone feeling vulnerable, and in time they accepted him as one of the pack!

When a dog resorts to the use of aggression towards other dogs, it means that he genuinely believes that this dog could be a threat to himself and his pack! It also usually means that he doesn’t feel he has an alternative option. Dogs do not use aggression lightly, they know that if you start a fight you can be injured and even killed!

Living in a man-made world, which in itself can be quite a challenge, we expect our dogs to politely interact with the multitude of dogs – and people – that come their way. Many dogs manage these interactions admirably but for some the stress becomes too much and they end up resorting to the use of aggressive behaviour, because they truly believe that they have no other choice.

For most creatures – including us – there are three options when faced with a threat: flight, freeze or fight. The moment we attach a lead to our dogs we seriously reduce his options. Now unable to flee and with freeze often not an option – as the owner continues to walk towards the perceived danger (another dog) – a dog with fear of other dogs, can feel there’s only one thing left to do – fight!

Often pre-emptive, the dogs reaction can be exacerbated by a number of factors; including how his owner reacts. Often an owners reaction will only serve to panic the dog more as, worried by what their own dog is going to do, they tighten up the lead, their pulse rate begins to soar and they try to reassure their dog verbally. The dog interprets this as his owner also being fearful of the approaching dog and is all the more determined to see off the threat and protect his pack!

I was asked to work with Laura and Samson her very handsome 2 year old, Bulldog x Staffordshire Bull Terrier. After being attacked by another dog and regularly being barked at by smaller dogs, Samson had become increasingly more anxious of other dogs, in general. The walk had become a nightmare as Laura tried to dodge other people and their dogs and they were both extremely anxious now.

As always, the process of resolving this issue begins in the home. By calmly and consistently showing Samson that she made the decisions and kept the pack safe – in the house and garden first – Laura was able to gradually head back out into the wider and more challenging world. By confidently taking control and emanating ‘all is well’ in a way that made sense to Samson, Laura presented herself as a competent Pack Leader. Once the ‘good foundations of leadership’ had been built, Laura was ready to do the targeted work on Samson’s anxiety around other dogs. Over time, Samson began to trust that it wasn’t his responsibility to deal with other dogs and his confidence in Laura and her ability to keep him safe grew. 

Aggression towards other dogs! . . dog training norfolk

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training

DSC_0260Aggression towards other dogs is the most common problem that I am asked out to help people resolve.

In the wolf pack ritualised displays of dominance and submission are implemented by the pack to enable safe cohabitation. Essentially the alpha wolves display dominance and the subordinate wolves display submission and everyone feels safe to carry on living together, without the fear of injury or death, inflicted by a fellow pack mate.

When a domestic dog meets another dog, particularly whilst out on the hunt/patrol (walk), he will need to make a decision about how to handle what could be a potentially dangerous situation. Many dogs manage these interactions incredibly well, and with the use of non-aggressive body language, eye contact and posture and also play, they are able to convey – “I am no threat to you, please do not harm me”.

But not all dogs are able to manage things quite so effectively and just like us, some dogs are more adept at socialising than others. Past experience will obviously influence a dog’s reaction to other dogs. A dog who has previously had an aggressive interaction with another dog or dogs, is likely to start ‘generalising’ about other dogs, see them as a threat and react negatively. A dog who has a tendency to resort to aggression towards other dogs, is more likely to illicit an unfavourable response from other dogs, as fear is infectious and everyone – including owners – become anxious in the presence of an anxious dog.  But possibly the biggest contributing factor in this equation is, as always, who does the dog see as Pack Leader?

It is the role of the Pack Leader to make the decisions and keep the pack safe. Choosing from, flight, freeze or fight, the Leader will decide which option to take when faced with a perceived danger. In their natural environment a canine prefers to flee – move away from a threat – avoiding a fight, the risk of injury and possible death!

For the domestic dog this is very often not an option.

The moment that we attach a lead to our dog we have seriously reduced his options, should he be faced with a perceived danger of any kind! Now, unable to flee and very often without the option of freezing – as the threat continues to come towards him and/or his owner continues to walk towards the threat – a worried dog can feel he is left with only one option – fight!

Based on the information that he has received from his owner (see previous instalments or check out ‘The Dog Listener’ by Jan Fennell) the dog will already have come to a conclusion about who makes the decisions and keeps the pack safe. If the dog believes that this is his role, he will do everything in his power to keep himself and his pack safe and for many dogs a pre-emptive strike – ‘get in there first’ – can feel like the only option!!

More next blog . . .

Dog walking to heel . . . dog trainer norwich

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training

Daisy, Kitty and Eli walk with me around the garden, in preparation for heading out into the wider world, where I will continue to work on ‘dog walking to heel’ . . .

For many a dog owner, there is no greater joy, than heading out into the wider-world with their dog walking to heel! Dog Listening is all about gaining the chosen cooperation of your dog. There is no use of force, gadgets or gizmos. Heading out into the wider – more challenging – world is a process that begins in the home, with the calm and consistent implementation of leadership signals, in all of the four key areas of pack life.

It’s so much more fun walking with our dog, if our dog wants to walk with us too! It’s a joy to watch them running around off the lead but it’s essential that they come back when they’re called. It makes life so much easier for you and your dog, if he will walk nicely beside you – on or off the lead – when necessary.

I was asked to visit a lovely family and their 2 year old dog Bella – a big, exuberant Labrador. Bella had problems in all areas but in particular, taking her out for a walk – or a drag as the family referred to it – was a complete nightmare! Dad was the only member of the family able to hold Bella on the lead and he would return from the walk exhausted, frustrated and very fed-up. The family had tried taking Bella to dog training classes but to no avail.

I always begin my consultations by talking about the wolf pack and how leadership is consistently reinforced through the use of ritualised behaviour, specifically in the four key areas of pack life. Hierarchical living is a survival strategy – a very successful one that humans use too – and as I talked to the family about the wolf pack they began to see that Bella was far from the crazy, obstinate and disobedient dog, that they had all believed her to be.

After discussing the other three areas of pack life first, we moved onto the area that people often have the most problems with – dog walking to heel! I explained to the family that Bella was not ready to go out yet and that they needed to make her world small, safe and predictable whilst they gave her this all important information about leadership.

I showed the family how to gain Bella’s chosen cooperation by encouraging her to walk to heel around the house and garden – off the lead first – using training treats as an incentive and warmly praising calm cooperation. I explained the importance of going through doorways first and if Bella became over-excited and tried to control proceedings, I asked them to stop without saying anything and wait for her to settle, before beginning again.

Bella responded really well to this calm and positive approach and in no time at all was following individual members of the family around the house as requested. I explained to the family that the next step would be to put the lead on Bella and continue with this work around the house and garden.

By stopping, starting and changing direction the family began to show Bella that they made the decisions and decided where the pack went and over the following weeks and months they began to feel ‘happy and in control’  and were able to slowly head back out into the wider world and actually enjoy walking with their dog!

Dog food! . . . dog training classes norwich

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training

A wolf’s prey can be over 10 times his own size and capable of inflicting serious injury and even death. The process of bringing down this large prey – bison, elk, moose and caribou – involves teamwork, coordination and skill.

To avoid problems around food, dogs should be fed when they are calm. Dog's leaving food, are stressed dogs!!

Eli uses ‘self control’ and waits patiently while I put his bowl down.

When they have made a kill the Alpha wolves will feed first, underlining primacy and ensuring that they get the best parts of the kill, to keep them in the best condition, to keep doing the important and stressful job of leader. Once the Alphas have finished eating they move away from the kill and then the rest of the pack will feed according to rank, with senior subordinates eating first and juniors last.

The domestic dog rarely has to work so hard for his supper, in fact, for many the supply of food is steady, often on demand and sometimes constant (food left down). The dog’s innate understanding of hierarchy will lead him to certain conclusions regarding the supply of food and how he comes about it and it is often an area where problems can occur.

Fussy eaters picking at food, aggression and guarding of food, over-the-top behaviour around meals times, dogs who will only eat if they are hand fed – I even heard of one lady who had resorted to feeding her dog lobster!

Dogs are not naturally fussy eaters, they are opportunist feeders designed to feast or famine. If there is food around they should be eating it – wolfing it down – getting it into their tummies before someone else does – they don’t know where their next meal is going to come from!

Problems around food, as long as they are not medical, are almost always associated with confusion about leadership and the associated stress. Many of the dogs that I am asked out to help people with, will have issues in this area. Stress is infectious and the more stressed an owner becomes – because of problems around food – and the more they make an issue of it, the more stressed and confused their dog becomes and a vicious circle is created!

Feeding time doesn’t need to be an ordeal and shouldn’t be controlled by the dog. It is one of the key times when a dog will look  for leadership signals and come to conclusions about pack dynamics. By understanding how a dog perceives this particularly important time and working with his innate understanding of hierarchy, it is possible to regain the power of food, underline our primacy and create calm, successful meal times and happy, healthy dogs.

Dog Training Norwich – It’s a dog’s (and cat’s) life

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training, Uncategorized

Dog Training Norwich

Its a dog’s (and cat’s) life

It is perfectly possible for many dogs and cats to coexist in harmony! Even a dog who is showing aggression towards cats or a cat who is fearful of dogs, can be taught to remain calm and exhibit self-control in each other’s company. We need to be prepared to make some changes to how we live with them and put in the necessary time and energy to gain their trust, respect and cooperation. They don’t need to be best buddies – although I have come across many who have gone on to become just that. All that we require from them is that they do respect each other’s personal space and refrain from winding one another up! 

Dog Trainer Norfolk - Dog aggression towards cats

Daisy (spaniel) and Monty (chihuahua) were both very unsure of the cat (and just about everything else!) when they first came to live with us. Both had a previous history of ‘going for’ other animals and both would have reacted aggressively towards her, if we hadn’t managed things carefully. Now they all coexist peacefully.

Unfortunately, for many dogs and cats living together is an absolute nightmare! Both parties can feel very insecure and threatened and this leads to a constant battle of wits and wills as they attempt to occupy the same, relatively small space, of our homes.

The cat enters the room. She knows he’s in here somewhere, but where? She slinks and scurries in a way that betrays her apprehension and concern and the dog who spots her immediately, charges over to see what’s going on. The cat runs, seeking higher ground or an exit from the house. “Great result” thinks the dog. “I got rid of the cat!” and a strategy for cat management is formed.

A little later on the dog is happily ambling around when suddenly something sharp and spiky clobbers him on the back of the head, accompanied by a loud hissing noise! “Ouch!” Yelps the dog, as he scampers away, and looking back over his shoulder sees two yellow eyes glaring down at him from the safety of a chair.

And so it begins, and both animals go on to consistently reconfirm, through their behaviour towards one another, that they really are a threat.

Breaking this cycle of anxiety involves time, patience and good management. Both cat and dog must gently be shown to leave each other alone. Being conscious of what is going on between them at all times, is essential. The message is ‘You don’t need to worry. I’m keeping an eye on things’. This must be backed up with the right kind of action and response, preferably before an altercation occurs and certainly during and after. If either the dog or the cat makes a move on the other, you must step in and calmly redirect them. The cat must see you looking out for her and the dog must know you’ve got his back!

Initially it’s important to restrict the interactions between the dog and the cat, to times when you are there to monitor and manage what is going on. Leaving them to their own devices will only strengthen their concern and anxiety, as they continue to have altercations. It’s really important to resist the temptation to shout or show your agitation if there is a kerfuffle, as this is likely to increase levels of tension and feed into the problem!

As always, it’s important that the ‘back-drop’ to life together, is one of general calm and cooperation. A dog who believes that he is the decision-maker in your home, is much more likely to believe that he should decide if the cat stays or goes. He will also find it harder to trust your decisions about – and management of – the situation. A cat who is used to receiving your undivided attention and has you trained military fashion to cater to her every need, is much more likely to object to a dogs presence.

Sometimes, when things are really bad we will need to spend time doing some specific work with our cat and dog, to help them to accept living alongside each other. If you have a situation where the dog literally wants to eat the cat (or vice versa!) it’s a good idea to seek the assistance of a Recommended Dog Listener, to ensure that you create an environment where the necessary training can be carried out safely, correctly and effectively. Please contact me or visit Jan Fennell to find a Recommended Dog Listener in your area.

By calmly and consistently interacting with all of our animals, in a way that inspires trust respect and cooperation, we can gently guide them through all of life’s inevitable challenges and ensure peaceful and harmonious family groups. Contact Lucy Parkes – Dog Trainer Norfolk – for more canine inspiration and dog behaviour advice.


Dog Trainer Norfolk – Stress-free pets?

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training, Dog's Health

Dog Trainer Norfolk

Stress-free pets?
Stress-free with dogs - Dog Trainer Norfolk

Maisy sits peacefully on her special cat shelf in the garden. Living with four dogs could be stressful for her but careful management ensures that everyone feels safe and as stress-free as possible.

The well-being of our companions, is intrinsically linked with our own. Being well is not only good for us, it also has a profound effect on those around us. A truly holistic approach to the resolution of behavioural issues, means understanding the impact that we all have on each other.

In a family/pack everyone affects everyone else and our state of mind (and body) is contagious! We can infect those around us with peace, joy and love. We can also cause an epidemic of stress and anxiety. The modern world can be a very stressful place. Long working hours, multiple and complex commitments, financial strains and social pressures mean that stress and anxiety can easily build up and begin to unbalance our autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system (part of the peripheral nervous system) plays a very large part in well-being – both for us, and most of our animal companions. It plays a key role in keeping us all alive by maintaining and healing our bodies and getting us out of danger when it occurs – flight or fight. Problems can arise when the autonomic nervous system (ANS) becomes out of balance and this can happen when we are repeatedly exposed to danger – real or perceived!

The trouble is, our ANS is unable to differentiate between the very real threat of an out-of-control car that is careering towards us, and the persistent – but less immediately life threatening – day-to-day fears and worrying thoughts, that can pervade our waking and sleeping lives! The untamed voice in our head can become our own worst enemy. An internal saboteur, terrorising us on a daily basis with thoughts of ‘what if’, self-judgement and condemnation. If this fearful voice continues to run the show, the ANS can become progressively more and more out of balance. This can lead to negative consequences to our well-being, and unfortunately, for the well-being of those around us.

Most of our animal companions have an autonomic nervous system, and just like us, they too, can become out of balance. This is very often the root cause of what we perceive as problem behaviour. An out of balance ANS can cause us all to become more sensitive/aggressive, less cooperative and trusting and more likely to judge rather than empathise. Soothing and nurturing everyone’s nervous system is usually a big part of the picture in the resolution of behavioural issues.

Put simply, it’s the difference between a life lived in love and a life lived in fear!

Some of the more extreme behavioural issues that people can experience with their dogs –   aggression, separation anxiety, compulsive patterns of behaviour, destruction and eating problems – are rooted in an out-of-balance ANS.

Sometimes a shift in perspective and a change in the way that we are doing things is enough to help our dogs to feel safe with us and therefore, more able to relax and cooperate, more of the time. Sometimes however, when stress and anxiety are more pervasive, we may need to soothe and nurture our own ANS as part of the process, and these are some of the strategies that I use to create lasting change –

–          Meditation – proven to reduce stress, increase serotonin (feel good chemical) and improve cognitive ability and immune function, amongst a multitude of other amazing benefits!

–          Breathing techniques that are easy to implement, any time any place, and have an immediate, soothing effect on the ANS.

–          Strategic interventions to challenge the voice in the head and create the space for real and lasting change to take place.

Next week I’m off to Oulton Broad to further my knowledge of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) with the inspirational Kath Temple – www.thehappinessfoundation.co.uk


Playing with dogs . . . dog training norwich

Posted on by DogsInTranslation in Dog Training
Dog Training in Norfolk - Playing with your dog

Kitty is happy to play fetch! It wasn’t always that way. When she first arrived, she would rather keep the ball, than bring it back. By building trust and helping her to feel safe and secure, we were able to gain her respect and cooperation, and now we enjoy playing together.

Playing with dogs . . . dog training norwich

Playing with dogs is a really good way to exercise them. It’s socially bonding and by deciding when you will play and how long you will play for, you consistently reconfirm yourself as Pack Leader.

Many of the dogs that I am asked out to help people with, will either be initiating and controlling play themselves or refusing to play at all. Both of these behaviours reconfirm the dog’s primacy. By taking control of play time we can gently show our dogs that we are the decision-makers in this area too and by gaining their cooperation we can have fun – and exercise them – in a positive and rewarding way.

When a dog is feeling stressed he may not want to play! Some rescue dogs can take weeks and sometimes months to come out of themselves enough to play. As they begin to feel safe and secure they relax enough to join in.

Molly – a beautiful Border Collie that I visited –  was obsessed with bringing her toys to her owners. She expected them to throw them for her and they usually did. It had reached a stage where Molly’s life revolved around her toys and not much else.

Many dogs, particularly young dogs, really love to play. Often they will practice their hunting skills; jumping on toys, throwing them in the air and parading around with them in their mouths, as they would a prey animal.  However, some dogs become obsessed with initiating play and will bring their toys repeatedly to be thrown. Well-meaning owners, who think their dog is just being playful, feed into the obsession by obliging and some will spend whole evenings dutifully throwing a ball!

Molly had a lot of toys. By removing the vast majority of them and leaving her with just a few favourites her owners began the process of taking control of play-time. The rest of the toys were put away in a toy-box which they would bring out to initiate play, once it was appropriate to do so. If Molly came to them with one of her toys and tried to initiate play they would quietly move away, removing the toy if she persisted.

As the weeks went by Molly became less obsessive about initiating play and gradually – over time – her owners were able to reintroduce occasional and calm play – on their terms!