Dog Trainer Norfolk
Self-Control, the very best kind!
Encouraging a dog to develop self-control boosts his confidence in a really positive way. On the whole, living in our world with us, our dog’s need to follow our lead and defer to our decisions about things. However, by developing self-control in key areas of their lives with us, they can feel a level of autonomy that is rewarding for both us and them.
Developing self-control means that we encourage our dogs to work things out for themselves – with a little help and guidance from us
If we consistently ‘tell’ our dogs what to do – “in your bed” “be quiet” “get down” “wait!” “heel” – they are less likely to develop self-control, which is of course, the very best kind!
Encouraging a dog to think for herself, and therefore cooperate, is at the heart of the work I do with people and dogs. We are all much more willing to cooperate when we are given a good reason to do so and are then able make the decision to cooperate, for ourselves.
Understanding, communication and cooperation pave the way to happy dogs and happy families.